Make an impact at scale, on your terms.

Solutions that build our capacity to face the complexity.
01 Growth-driven design

Values-driven, metrics-informed.


01 Develop fundamental assumptions

We delve into your value system, define growth, identify challenges, and set goals. Simultaneously, we understand and empathize with customer desires and pain points to bridge gaps and plan experiments.

02 Audit and build up

We conduct a thorough audit of existing materials, pinpointing and developing high-impact items like a website. Post-launch or update, this enables us to start collecting data, necessary for validating our initial assumptions and conducting effective content testing.

03 Pause and tailor

Amidst competitive pressures, we pause and reflect to ensure our strategies uphold business ethics and benefit customers. We evaluate our actions, realign with our core values, and assess long-term implications. We then apply agile methods to improve UX, conversion quality and rates, and address wider team objectives, fostering sustainable growth and ethical practices.
Let's discuss further
Design possesses a unique translational ability to utilize patterns cross-discipline.
02 List of services

Expansive options, focused execution.

View recent case study
Website design
Lead magnets
Landing page optimization
Logo design
Branding & brand strategy
Pitch & sales decks
Customer research & competitive analysis
Brand guidelines
Color palette & typography
Stationary & swag
Digital ads
Trade shows & conference booths
White papers & case studies
Social media banners
Blog graphics
Images & illustrations
UX writing
03 Benefits

Balance between efficiency, scale, and resilience.

Minimized risks

Focus on incremental results, enabling timely strategy adjustments and prompt responses to market changes and externalities.

Lower upfront commitment

The quick launch of the most urgent assets helps you lower the initial commitment, spread the efforts through time and gather data from day one.

Assumptions & data

To avoid waiting for post-launch, agile and iterative methods test assumptions throughout the project, enhancing efficiency and accuracy in design decisions.

Quicker time to value and ROI

Start building the audience and collecting feedback while progressively enhancing the assets without postponing for full launch.

Systematic learning

By gathering data early, refinie your brand's message and optimize communication at the most effective touchpoints.

A collaborative process

Build up your brand asset library holistically in alignment with the needs of multiple departments such as marketing, sales, product, and HR.
04 Principles

Be curious. Respect human vulnerabilities.

We will be thoughtful.
We will check in on the values.
We will question.
We will experiment.
We will pause.
We will reflect.
We will consider externalities and long-term costs.
We will reason.
We will act, not react.
We will grow as a result, not as a goal.
05 Wish list

Explore, collaborate, and augment.

I share growth design strategies for startups in Biotech and Life Sciences. 
Share your challenge
Design is an exploration of possibilities and a manifestation of meaning.
06 FAQ

Got a question?

What are your pricing structures and payment terms?

I work off a monthly retainer fee which is determined by the scope of work, its complexity, and number of the deliverables.

Why do you use a retainer?

It’s predictable budget-wise and flexible request-wise.

The retainer ensures that you have access to my services throughout the month and provides you with a predictable budget. It also allows me to better plan my workload and dedicate the necessary time and resources to you.

Is there a limit to requests?

No, I take a custom approach to each client. The number of deliverables and the timelines will depend on your needs and urgency.

What is your policy on revisions or changes during the design process?

As many revisions as we need to get to the satisfactory point within the sensible time frame.

We don’t see a certain service. Would you be willing to do it?

Depending on your needs, I can offer additional services. If you require something beyond my current expertise, I can help source and manage the necessary talent or expand my skills as part of our agreed retainer fee.

How many clients do you work with?

I work with a small roster of clients  to make sure each gets the maximum value from our collaboration. I bet on quality over quantity and dedicate myself fully to each project I pick up.

When can we get started?

Tell me about your project.

Thank you for sharing! I will review your request and get back to you via email within the next 1-2 business days.
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